This website is a supplement to the book ’2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years’, written by Jørgen Randers.
In ‘2052 – A Global Forecast for the next 40 years’, Randers draws on his own experience in the sustainability area, global forecasting tools, and the predictions – included in the book – of more than thirty leading scientists, economists, futurists, and other thinkers to guide us through the future he feels is most likely to emerge.
This site contains the quantitative basis for the 2052 book i.e. the spread sheet, a number of papers by Jørgen Randers that summarise or describe the contents of the 2052 book in various ways, a number of external reviews of the 2052 book, organised by language, and presentations of the book, in the form of slide sets and speaking notes.
The book has now appeared in 7 languages.

Mongolia Dec 2012
The Mongolian version of the latest Report to the Club of Rome, “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published in December 2012 by Nomkhur Publishing Company.
You can find more information on the Mongolian version and the possibility to order here:
Library of National University of Mongolia:
Library of Mongolian National University of Education:
US June 2012
The US version of the book was first published by Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont, USA in June 2012. It can be ordered from or in different formats, and hopefully also from your local book store.

Germany September 2012
The German version of the latest Report to the Club of Rome, “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published by Oekom Publishing House.
You can find more information on the German version and a possibility to order here.

Korea December 2012
The Korean version of the latest Report to the Club of Rome, “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published in December 2012.

Japan – January 2013
The Japanese version of the Report to the Club of Rome “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published by Nikkei Business Publications in January 2013.
You can find more information on the Japanese version and a possibility to order here.

Italy – May 2013
The Italian edition of the “2052″ Report to the Club of Rome, written by Jorgen Randers, “2052. Scenari globali per i prossimi quarant’anni“, was launched at the Aurelio Peccei lecture 2013 at the Palazzo De Carolis in Rome, organized by the Club of Rome and WWF Italy.
You can find more information on the Italian edition, which was published with Edizioni Ambiente, and a possibility to order here.

China – September 2013
The Chinese version of the latest Report to the Club of Rome, “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published in September 2013.
You can find more information on the Chinese version and a possibility to order here.

Poland – March 2014
The Polish version of the latest Report to the Club of Rome, “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, was published in March 2014.
You can find more information on the Polish version and a possibility to order here.

Disrupting the Future
Disrupting the Future: Great Ideas for Creating a Much Better World is a remarkable collection of ideas and proposals by a diverse set of thought-leaders, each of which has responded in their own creative way to Jorgen Randers’ concluding challenge in 2052: ‘Please help me make my forecast wrong. Together we could create a much better world.’
You can find more information on this book and a possibility to order here.

Reinventing Prosperity
Managing economic growth to reduce unemployment, inequality and climate change
The latest Report to the Club of Rome focuses on three endemic social challenges – inequality, unemployment, and climate change – and offers 13 radical policy solutions for industrialized countries to address these problems without the need for faster economic growth.
You can find more information on this book and a possibility to order here.